Sunday 14 April 2019

Petition to the European Parliament

It seems from Facebook chat that I am not the only one to believe that Nigel Farage's membership of the European Parliament brings Britain into disrepute. It is surprising that this sentiment took so long to surface.

It is a little-known benefit of the Maastricht Treaty that every EU citizen (which we will remain at least up until the 22nd May and probably for five months beyond) has the right to submit a petition to the Parliament. In Northampton, a petition to recall the felonious Labour MP is gathering signatures. It might be interesting to attempt a petition to recall Mr Farage and exclude his name from lists for future elections.

I accept that if it succeeded, it would, because of the party list system which operates in the UK, only bring up another Brexit candidate. However, he or she would surely have better manners than Mr Farage whose behaviour in Brussels I likened elsewhere to letting a mongrel with loose bowels into Cruft's. I disagree with UKIP, but I accept that the Welsh people have made a choice in electing one 'kipper to the EP and I have no quarrel with Nathan Gill's style. If only all his fellow-members were as courteous in their public utterances.

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