Wednesday 20 April 2022

Hardly unreserved apologies

It is gratifying to see that the i had the same reaction to prime minister Johnson's so-called "unreserved apology". The same goes for Rishi Sunak's misuse of the term when he also sought to justify his behaviour during "partygate".

As to his weak justification for staying in post ("don't you know there's a war on"), various media have been swift to point out that PMs have been changed before in conflicts moreover in which we have been directly engaged. It is not as if he had been effective in stopping the carnage in Ukraine. Indeed, his failure over his first two years in office to stop Putin's pet oligarchs making free use of the City of London "laundromat" helped fund Putin's war. 

Is it too much to hope that the rank-and-file of the Conservative party in Westminster will rise up to do their patriotic duty and install a person of honour in No. 10?

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