Sunday 18 June 2023

"That's TV" ownership

 Researching the fate of Bay TV turned up some interesting facts. That's TV, the company that now owns the local TV licence, was co-founded by Esther Rantzen of That's Life fame - thus explaining the company name. Ms Rantzen has now given up all her directorships, including most recently the two charities she founded. 

As a private company, That's TV is fairly opaque to enquiries. Even more opaque (as far as the Web is concerned, anyway) is the origin of its sole proprietor, Daniel Cass. What is clear is that he believes in sweating assets as the experience of That's Solent demonstrates.

Cass can be criticised for making the most of the opportunity for profit with little concern for the spirit of local TV legislation. However, more blame should be attached to Ofcom and the Conservative politicians who have not forced operators to respect the original remit.

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