Friday 31 May 2019

The current climate is against us

Asthma sufferers were hit by a surge in pollen the other week. Now there is the threat posed by thunderstorms. Here is official medical advice from Asthma UK:

Weather reports suggest there could be thunder this weekend as temperatures rise. 
Thunderstorms can be bad news if you have asthma and hay fever. This is because thunder can break up pollen into tiny pieces that go deeper into your lungs, putting you at increased risk of an asthma attack. 
Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to reduce this risk:
Keep your blue reliever inhaler with you when you’re out and about over the weekend  
Take your hay fever medicines and preventer inhaler (usually brown) as prescribed
If you have asthma and are already noticing more symptoms because of hay fever, such as coughing, a tight chest or breathlessness, please make an urgent GP appointment. 
For more hay fever and asthma support, see our nurses’ tips.
Dr Andy,
In-house GP, Asthma UK
PS. A lot of people have been searching for information on Maintenance and Reliever Therapies recently (also known as MART). If you’re on this treatment regime, you canfind out more about Maintenance and Reliever Therapies on our website.

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