Friday 29 October 2021

The essence of Jacob Rees-Mogg

The Leader of the House was in fine form yesterday, from defending his decision to eschew social distancing and mask-wearing to praising a budget for working men which was little of the sort.

He has his own peculiar take on saving the planet:

The Government’s vision is one based on improving people’s standards of living. That is what the Budget was about yesterday and it is what the green policy is about. It is not about cave dwelling. It is not hair-shirt greenery. We are not becoming Adullamites. What we are in favour of is having higher standards of living based on the new technologies. All sorts of exciting things are happening, including with hydrogen, which will make that possible. There is not, I think, a market for going back to the stone age—some hon. Members may think I have never really emerged from the stone age—but we want to ensure that the standard of living of our constituents improves.

Never the stone age. For me, JR-M is of the period of the Restoration when the rigour of the Cromwell era was replaced by the dissolute King Charles and his louche courtiers returning from France and all its high church manners.

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