Saturday, 15 April 2017

Lies, damn' lies and Labour tabloids

You would think from "Local Voice", the Birmingham-printed "newspaper" which is being pushed through Neath and Port Talbot doors, that the council is putting more money into education.

What is actually happening is that Labour-run Neath Port Talbot council has budgeted for an increase in school building. They are actually cutting the money available to run the schools - this in spite of an increase in the pupil deprivation grant obtained by Liberal Democrat education secretary Kirsty Williams.

It is rather like building grand new hospitals but denying them the money to spend on more doctors and nurses.

1 comment:

Stan said...

I've not had the pleasure of reading this Labour propaganda yet. I thought it might have been pulled following some concerns I have read about misleading statements made in it about the redevelopment of the old Tesco/multi-storey building currently being demolished.