Thursday 3 June 2021

Out with the old

 I have consistently argued against getting rid of governments just for the sake of it, without offering the voters a worthwhile and stable alternative. However, occasionally an exception occurs. The need to remove a government in Israel which has presided over war crimes and has survived for too long under the shadow of corruption has brought together an unlikely coalition of liberals, campaigners for civil rights for non-Jewish residents of Israel and defenders of illegal settlers. There are still a few obstacles to overcome: for instance, the Speaker of the Knesset has to call for a formal vote of confidence in the new government, and the present holder of that post is a member of Netanyahu's Likud party. Moreover, as long as Netanyahu has a seat in the parliament, the seasoned political operator is going to harry the coalition all the way. One hopes that the coalition holds its nerve long enough to usher in healthier politics in Israel and a period of peace in which reconstruction can begin.

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