Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Combatting underage drinking in Glantawe

The Evening Post reports an attempt by South Wales Police in the Pontardawe area to replicate the success in reducing drink-related antisocial behaviour and damage to health produced by these initiatives. I wish them well and hope, if successful, similar ventures can be rolled out in other parts of the county borough.


Stan said...

That initiative looks interesting and successful Frank. When I was a lad it was a rite of passage to try and get served before you were 18 in a pub and now and again you'd acquire a flagon by some means to have a drink outside if you couldn't get in the pub. But thinking back alcohol was much less freely available. The flagons we got were acquired from the pubs themselves. There were no cans. Now it's everywhere, every corner shop, supermarket and even cafes. Society itself is markedly different too. Woe betide if you had a bit too much and blotted your copybook. The whole village would know. Now we don't even know who lives next door to us. Ah, nostalgia, it ain't what it used to be.

Frank Little said...

Stan, we are at one. I believe I have written before that the main contributor to problem drinking is the ready availability of alcohol. Every corner shop seems to have ample supplies. We should return to restricting the sale of alcohol to public houses and to specialist off-licences.