Monday 2 March 2020

A message from Stephen Dorrell of the European Movement

The negotiating mandate published by the government last week has laid out an alarming vision for the future where the United Kingdom will diverge from European Union regulations on key issues, risking the possibility that efforts to tackle climate change and unfair competition could be undermined.
This is the first time since the end of the Second World War that the government has outlined a mandate for negotiations that will not tear down borders to trade but erect them. Despite claiming to be pro-trade and pro-enterprise, this government is actively taking steps to isolate ourselves from our closest neighbors.
Instead of distancing ourselves from our partners in Europe, we should be working together to tackle the biggest issues of our time. This politics of protectionism only serves to erode our common interests and values.
With negotiations due to start today, the European Movement will be lobbying the government to ensure that our European rights, standards, and values are upheld post-Brexit.

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